Traditional metal-halide bulb-based light towers and two-wheeled carts are everywhere. There has been no innovation in the light tower industry besides incremental increases in generator run time and fuel efficiency. The generator light tower companies were all designed to sell generators and don't have any incentive to move to truly state-of-the-art LED lighting, or the big generators will become obsolete. Our Beacon LED Tower was designed by starting with the lights and then working down. Our lighting company brings the best portable lighting to the toughest workplaces.
We recognize that you've made a big investment in your existing bulb-based light towers and carts, and you'd like to extend their usefulness to you in the post-bulb LED world. We can help with that.
We’ve made it easy for you to replace your existing light tower/cart light heads with our state-of-the-art LED light tower heads. Read on for how to do this.
It Starts With the Lights
The light head on the Beacon LED Tower is our Beacon980 high-output LED floodlight. It is used extensively on cranes, in pits, and, of course, on light towers. It is designed to put out the same (and over time, more) light output as the traditional 1000W metal halide tower light fixtures, but using 80% less energy.
Traditional light towers and carts run off of 1000W metal halide bulbs. These bulbs are inefficient, energy-wasting, and very fragile. Additionally, their light output drops off really quickly. On day 1 they will be quite bright, but soon after will only be 60% of their initial output.
Lind Equipment's high-efficiency, high-powered LED light panels are the opposite of all of those things. They use 80% less energy, are incredibly durable, have no bulbs to break and maintain their light output over time. Also, all Lind Equipment LED lights are warrantied for three years and rated for 50,000 hours, so you never have to change a bulb.
In light level tests between the Beacon980 light and traditional 1000W metal halide lights using the median light output, the Beacon980 lights actually put MORE light onto the work area.
All this to say, you should replace your existing metal halide lights on a one-to-one basis with our Beacon980 lights.
Purchase a Two-head or Four-head Light Kit
Light towers typically come in lighting configurations of two-head and four-head. Two-wheeled light carts come with one head or two heads. Based on what you have to replace, you can buy the appropriate Lind Equipment kit.
For a single light head replacement, buy one Beacon980 light (P/N LE980LED).
Our two-head and four-head light kits come with the appropriate number of lights, each complete with a strong yoke and enough cord to wire onto your existing light tower.
Two-headed kits are P/N LE980LED-2LKIT. Four-headed kits are P/N LE980LED-4LKIT.